
Announce Tecnique



1 The ambiguous 2♣ response over 1NT opening.

2 Response to 1NT with majors 5-4 and competitive, inviting or forcing hand.

3 Response to 1NT with majors 5-5 and competitive, inviting or forcing hand.

4 Response to 1NT with a 5 cards minor , 4 cards major and a G.F. hand.

5 Response to 1NT with minors 5-4 and 1 singleton with G.F. hand. 3=1=5=4 , 1=3=5=4 ,3=1=4=5 , 1=3=4=5

6 Response to 1NT with minors 5-5 and competitive or G.F. hand.

7 1NT opening , transfer to majors and super-acceptance.

8 1NT opening, transfer to minors and super-acceptance.

9 Controls asking relay after partner 1NT opening.

10 Overcall on opponent 1NT.

11 Our 1NT opening overcalled by opponents.

12 Response to 1 major opening with 3 cards support and competitive , inviting or G.F. hand.

13 Responses to 1 in a major opening bid, wifh 5♦ a 4 carder on the side and a limited hand

14 Responses to 1 major opening with four cards support and competitive, inviting or G.F. hand.

15 Two suited GAstem overcall in the second seat on opponents one in a suit opening.

16 GAstem 2 suited overcall in 4th seat when opener partner has responded 1 over 1

17 GAstem 2 suited overcall in 4th seat when opener partner has responded 1 NT

18 GAstem 2 suited overcall on opponents opening of 1 in a suit and responses at 3 level

19 2 suited overcall on opponents opening of strong 1♣ or strong 1♦

20 Defence over 2♦ multicolour opening

21 The two suited 2♦ weak opening. 6-11 HCP and 4+4+ in both majors

22 Hand evaluation

23 How to signal with discards.

24 Opponent opens 1 in a suit, partner doubles and responder passes.

25 Partner overcall of 1 in a major on opponents opening bid.

26 Defense after our 1NT opening is overcalled

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